Thursday, September 9, 2010

Everyone Loves a wedding

My husband's cousin asked me to make a cake for her wedding. She had a smaller traditional wedding cake and in addition, family members made cakes and sweets for her sweet table. She asked me to make something with fruit. I found a yellow cake recipe on Allrecipes called David's Yellow Cake Recipe. I had to change a couple of things because I didn't have cake flour. I used all purpose flour instead minus two tablespoons for every cup of flour I used. I know that sounds silly.. but I called my grandmother about it and she was the one who suggested it (removing the tablespoons of flour that is). I knew I wanted to use strawberries and I also had to make sure that the cake didn't melt or get too hot because I didn't want it to spoil. I decided to make cream cheese frosting because heat wasn't going to be an issue (no need to give the guests food poisoning).

 I wanted to use the fresh strawberries for a filling but I also wanted the frosting there too. So, I first took a handful of cut strawberries through the food processor and added them with the juice to a bit of my frosting. The problem was my frosting now became soup. I decided to try again and drain the liquid from my strawberries. PERFECT!!  It was delicious and a beautiful cake. I cut slivers of strawberries to make them look like hearts and outlined the cake.

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