Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy Jewish New Year 2011

 L'Shana Tova means Happy New Year. We say this for Rosh Hashana. This year, the torch has been passed by my mother for me to make the challah. This is her recipe and it is delicious. I am not partial or anything. LOL..  

Normally, you will see a challah that is a braided loaf but for Rosh Hashanah we wrap it upon it self and twist the dough before it is cooked. This year, I used honey and an egg wash to finish the bread and it gives me a bit of sweet. 

Each batch of dough can make two loaves. I have in the past made  more than  two loaves out of one batch of dough. 

I also made an apple and pomegranate crisp. I had to double the recipe because there are so many in my family. I have 4 sisters, plus their husbands and kids and my parents, and friends.. I think there were 20 of us total to dinner. 
Anyhow, I chose pomegranates because of the Jewish symbolism. There are 613 seeds in each  pomegranate and there are 613 commandments.

Apples are, of course, in season this time of year. I decided to choose both sweet and tart apples to compliment the  taste of the pomegranate. 
Seeding the pomegranate isn't easy. You have to first cut it open and then, under water, break it open to pull the seeds away from the flesh. Only the seeds of a pomegranate are edible. The flesh will float to the top and the seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl of water. 
The crunch of the coating was perfect. 

It was easy to scoop out and was delicious. The sweetness of the apple and the pomegranate were perfectly complimentary.  
This was delicious. The crust was homemade!
Flour, Sugar.. and oats....
Glued together with butter.  


Sunday, October 2, 2011

For Mature Eyes Only.. Katie's Bachelorette Pary

 I got asked to make "inappropriate" cupcakes for Katie's Bachelorette Party. I decided to make vanilla cupcakes and fill them with Peanut M & M's. Now some had nuts..

The peanut M&M's sunk to the bottom. 

A muffin size cupcake for the huge Penis sucker. I made vanilla
cupcakes with homemade butter cream frosting. 
Giant cupcake for a GIANT PENIS.. sucker that is.. 

Juicy Lucy turns 1..

 Jack O'Brien has a little sister. When he started talking, he couldn't say Lucy..instead, he called her Juicy. It has stuck and her new nickname is Juicy. I didn't make her first birthday cake so there are no pictures of it here. I did want to show all the fun we had that day.                

Lucy's first baby. It was unwrapped and instantly
she hugged it and made nice.
These are Jack's toes. I am not sure pink is his color
Lucy trying to walk in her first pair of high heals. 
When she was born, one of her aunts bought
her first pair of high heals.

Daddy and Jack watching Lucy open her presents. 
Uncle Chris and Dad .. just lovely